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"I adore this calendar. It provides me with ongoing visual feedback..."

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The handy spiral-bound or eBook versions of our journals are available only in our ColorCodeMode.com shop.

Buy NON-spiral versions of our weekly planner or food diary in bookstores or through leading online booksellers.

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Streaming Colors Fitness Journal Weekly Planner

Lean Mode, Color Code—Not Your Usual Food Diary


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A simple, but powerful concept

The daily module you see above is from our Streaming Colors Fitness Journal Monthly Calendar. Of course, you'll choose your own colors and habits to track. Some people track only one or two things a day when they're first getting started. You'll quickly figure out how to best customize it for yourself. Buy it now.



Here's what the daily module looks like in our Streaming Colors Fitness Weekly Planner. Buy it now.



And here's where you'll color in your PowerCircles each day in our Lean Mode, Color Code – Not Your Usual Food Diary. There's even a spot to color in and record your "days in a row" of Lean Mode journaling—one more thing to help you stay on track to succeed.

The colored-in FoodDots above show food choices that you consider to be healthy. The idea is to eat healthy all day long so you can connect-the-FoodDots with color. You may also use different colors to show different food groups or healthy items you're trying to add to your diet, like green for veggies, orange for fruit, etc. The more color, the better! (Because in case you haven't noticed by now, this is not your usual food diary.) Buy it now.


In ALL of our ColorCode Mode Journals

-color is a fun, instant reward for taking a healthy action  

-color reminds, rewards and motivates you to practice a healthy action long enough to make it a healthy new habit

-color makes it easy to see what you've been doing right

-seeing too much empty white space can help motivate you to get back on track

-looking back over all the color is a reminder of your ability to take control and make positive changes

ColorCode Mode combines the fun of coloring with the power of journaling!

Easy. Fun. Motivating!

Go to our Online Shop.